Tolstoy, Leo: Bekenntnisse; Was sollen wir denn thun?. Duncker & Humblot, 1886
Tolstoy, Leo: Complete works (vol. 24) (trans. Wiener). Dana Estes, 1905
Tolstoy, Leo: Complete works (vol. 4) (trans. Wiener). Dana Estes, 1904
Tolstoy, Leo: Correspondance inedite (trans. Bienenstock). Charpentier, 1907
Tolstoy, Leo: Das Gesetz der Gewalt und das Gesetz der Liebe. Bondy, 1909
Tolstoy, Leo: Das Nichtsthun (trans. Steinitz). Steinitz, 1901 [?]
Tolstoy, Leo: Das Reich Gottes in uns (vol. 1); Eine russische Rekrutenaushebung; Das Nichtthun (trans. Henckel). Albert, [1894]
Tolstoy, Leo: Die Kreutzersonate. Behr's, 1890
Tolstoy, Leo: Du sollst nicht toeten; Der Christ und das Verhaeltnis zum Staat; Die Christenverfolgung in Russland (trans. Hauff). Janke, [1901]
Tolstoy, Leo: Essays and letters (trans. Maude). Funk & Wagnalls, 1904
Tolstoy, Leo: Essays, letters, miscellanies. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1902
Tolstoy, Leo: Gegen die moderne Kunst (trans. Thal). Steinitz, 1898
Tolstoy, Leo: Kunst und Wissenschaft. Diederichs, 1919
Tolstoy, Leo: Kurze Auslegung des Evangeliums (trans. Ernst). Steinitz, 1891
Tolstoy, Leo: Kurze Darlegung des Evangeliums (trans. Lauterbach). Reclam, 1892 [?]
Tolstoy, Leo: La pensee de l'humanite (trans. Halperine-Kaminsky). Ambert, 1912
Tolstoy, Leo: Lasterhafte Genuesse. Janke, [?]
Tolstoy, Leo: Le patriotisme et le gouvernement. Kuendig, 1900
Tolstoy, Leo; Bondareff, Timothy: Le travail (trans. Tseytline & Pages). Flammarion, [?]
Tolstoy, Leo: Miscellaneous letters and essays (trans. Wiener). Dana Estes, 1905
Tolstoy, Leo: My confession; Dogmatic theology; My religion; On life (trans. Wiener). Dana Estes, 1904
Tolstoy, Leo: Nedelanie. [?], 1907
Tolstoy, Leo: Patriotismus und Christentum (trans. Berger). Steinitz, 1894
Tolstoy, Leo: Pensees. Felix Alcan, 1898
Tolstoy, Leo: Plaisirs vicieux (trans. Halperine-Kaminsky). Charpentier, 1892
Tolstoy, Leo: Sinnlose Hirngespinste. Der Freie Verlag, 1918
Tolstoy, Leo: Sklaverei unserer Zeit. Erkenntnis und Befreiung, [?]
Tolstoy, Leo: The diaries of Leo Tolstoy : youth, 1847 to 1852 (trans. Hogarth & Sirnis) . Dutton, 1917
Tolstoy, Leo: The kingdom of God and peace essays (trans. Maude). Oxford University Press, 1946
Tolstoy, Leo: The pathway of life (vol. 1) (trans. Wolfe). International Book Publishing Company, 1919
Tolstoy, Leo: The pathway of life (vol. 2) (trans. Wolfe). International Book Publishing Company, 1919
Tolstoy, Leo: Ueber das Leben (trans. Behr). Duncker & Humblot, 1889
Tolstoy, Leo: Ueber die sexuelle Frage. Neuer Volksbuecher-Verlag, [?]
Tolstoy, Leo: Was ist Kunst? (trans. Markow). Steinitz, 1898
Tolstoy, Leo: What is to be done?; Life. Thomas Y. Crowell, [?]
Tolstoy, Leo: Worin besteht mein Glaube? (trans. Behr). Duncker & Humblot, 1885
Tolstoy, Leo: Zola - Dumas : Guy de Maupassant (trans. Halperine-Kaminsky). Leon Chailley, [?]
Tolstoy, Leo: Zola et Dumas. Le non-agir. [Cosmopolis], 1894 [?]